Yoga Philosophy and Meditation:

Tantra Illuminated by Christopher Hareesh Wallis.  He has been my teacher. It’s user-friendly and applied to daily life.  This is a fabulous guide to the Yoga philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism, (north Indian Tantra) as well as an overall explanation of the tantric schools of yoga. Parts are a bit heady and more historical so just skip them.  We used it in our Teacher Training. Highly recommended!

Meditation for the Love of it by Sally Kempton, who writes for Yoga Journal, is a heart-felt, experienced and compassionate guide on the journey of meditation.  This is rich with practices and wonderful teachings based in Tantra yoga.  Another fabulous read for the beginner and anyone wanting to understand Tantra and meditation.

When Things Fall Apart, by Pema Chodron.  This is one of Pema Chodron’s best and most popular.  An indispensable guide to living from the heart.


Hatha Yoga Illustrated: A simple book full of great Anusara based descriptions and pictures about an array of Hatha Yoga poses, written by a certified Anusara yoga instructor.

Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar. This is a must-have classic by physical yoga’s leading master.  It’s like the bible and essential for all students of yoga.

Yoga: The Iyengar Way.  This is a classic, simple instruction book for people who like descriptions and great pictures.  Sequences in the back as well.

Hendricks Conscious Living and Loving Books

Conscious Loving by Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks:  This is a fabulous relationship book by my coaching teachers.  I recommended this for anyone who has not yet been introduced to the Hendricks’ teachings and it is a perfect companion for anyone who wants to do coaching with Robyn.

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks: This is a great and inspiring read for taking that scary leap into the next level of what you’re wanting.  It discusses how we get stuck and how to get unstuck.  It was a best-seller.

Learning to Love Yourself by Gay Hendricks: This is a great book for those with low self-esteem.  Super helpful exercises anyone can do.  Another best-seller.


Busting Loose from the Money Game: This is a powerful teaching on how to change your relationship with money.  It is written with a very Tantric perspective.  Highly recommended!!

The Energy of Money: A very useful workbook to help you unblock obstacles on your path to achieving your goals around money and success.

Spiritual Journeys:

Wild: This is a gripping and inspiring read about a young woman’s journey down the Pacific Crest Trail.  They made a movie out of it. A great way to get lost in a riveting tale for a few days.

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert: An easy, enjoyable read about a woman’s spiritual journey out an unhealthy relationship and into a spiritual connection as she tours the world.

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