Expanding the Upper Limit

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joyful postureOne of the concepts I appreciate from my Hendricks training is called the Upper Limits Problem.  It says that we all have a set thermostat for how much positive energy we can sustain for long periods.  This is based on how our thermostat got set in our family of origin.  So we tend to maintain that level over time, regardless of life events;  when something really good happens, we unconsciously bring ourselves back to that level, and when something bad happens, we bring ourselves back up.  It’s like our bodies don’t know how to run at a higher frequency.  So we do things unconsciously like start a fight, get sick, hurt ourselves, worry, get critical, or overeat to bring ourselves down again.  The trick, then, is to learn to grow our nervous systems to be able to sustain higher states of energy, so that we can continue to grow in a positive direction and experience more and more joy and abundance over time.

Here’s my experience with expanding my Upper Limit:
From my 2 1/2 year journey with the Hendricks, I’ve noticed that I’m living in a more expanded state of energy than before.  I feel more positive, more joyful, more expanded and easy with myself and my relationships.  I feel less contracted, worried, fearful, and compulsive.  I attribute this to all the inner awareness and processing work I’ve done and the choices I’ve made for coming back home to myself again and again.  For the past several weeks, I’ve been meditating twice a day instead of once.  I find myself pulled inside before bed, to unwind and reconnect with myself.   For me, this is just one way that I integrate positive energy in my body.  I also regularly practice yoga asanas, journaling, conscious communicating, dancing, hiking, receiving touch, taking baths, and spending time alone.   I’ve also been focusing my attention on what I want instead of what I don’t want.  I think this is a great way to stay positive.  And for over a month now, I’ve been practicing special manifestation exercises in my meditations.  What I”m noticing is that as I’m experiencing more abundance in my life; my coaching practice is expanding, yoga classes are larger, and I generally feel easier about spending money, and notice an inner trust that things will turn out fine, and feel willing to go with the flow of how things are.  My sense is that this has come from the intentional manifestation practices as well as from the ease and openness I’ve cultivated with myself over the last few years.  I’m excited to share these Manifestation practices in my workshop this Saturday: Moving into Manifestation.  Mention this blog and get $5 off the price!  (Not valid with any other offers )

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